
The 5th Sino-Korea Symposium on Environmental Health and Ecological Safety 

일시: 2019년 7월 17~20일

장소: Shantou University, China


최윤의_The effects of educational experience, environmental knowledge, perceived value, sense of responsibility on pro-environmental behavior in coastal wetlands

김민_Key coastal landscape patterns for reducing flood vulnerability

LILAN JIN_Resilient coastal management plan for improving the quality of ecotourism resources: Using system dynamics model

최정은_Habitat destruction and vegetation changes of islands in Incheon city



정대영_The Impact of the Perceived Risk of Microplastics on the Behavior of Marine Ecotourists: An Application of the Extended Theory of Planned Behavior

송기환_Adaptation and Transformation Planning for Strengthening the Resilience of the Social-Ecological System in the Songdo Wetland

송기환_Analysis of Ecosystem Service Trade-off in the Four Major Rivers Project Area: Focused on Provisioning and Regulating Services

김민_Resilient wetland city planning based on regime shift analysis