일시: 2022년 11월 3~4일

장소: 고려대학교 하나스퀘어


전진형_Development of Resilience Index Framework for Social Ecological System in Urban, Coastal, and Rural area

송기환, 석영선, 전진형_Resilient Ecosystem Service Restoration Planning for Social-Ecological System by Flood Damage

김민, 문태현, 이지구, 김보경, 전진형_Renewable Energy Landscape Preference for Coastal Resilience


최호준, 송기환, 반권수,전진형_Development of Site Selection Indicators for Riparian Buffer Zone Construction on the Han River Dam

한정우, 배가람, 태미경, 송기환, 김민, 전진형_Carbon-Neutral Landscape Framework for Enhancing Rural Resilience through a System Approach

문태현, 이지구, 김보경, 김민, 전진형_Evaluation of coastal landscape preference of offshore wind farm using metaverse environment

이름 없는 게시판#16 5